Be More Confident Before, During, and After Your Meetings

Be More Confident Before During and After Your Meetings

Meetings are an important part of every business and according to organizations like Visix, 11 million meetings are held each day. Of those meetings, they also say, “9 out of 10 people daydream” in those meetings. Let’s face it, meetings are essential and needed to connect with others, build new relationships and ideas, and continue to grow a business. So, how can we go into meetings with more confidence and be more productive in how we spend our time before, during, and after our meetings?

Before the meeting

The time wasted with back and forth of when to set an appointment or meeting and knowing about each person in the meeting can be cumbersome, to say the least. Wired2Perform® has made it easy for you to set your availability and share the options with your connections to schedule an appointment or meeting; when booked that meeting is added instantly to the users' calendar. They can book a time that works best for each party and share important information like how or where you are meeting, the time, and the duration. If you don’t already have all their information it will now be stored right in your meeting and can easily be found on the Wired2Perform® calendar page.

Agenda is another important aspect that can be overlooked when preparing for a meeting. In our calendar tool, individuals can create an agenda, set the topic, time, and the attendee who will be sharing during that portion of the meeting. This helps individuals prepare for the meeting and to be more confident in the desired outcome.

With the Wired2Perform® assessment process at the forefront of the app, users get insights on themselves as well as make them more self-aware when going into the scheduled appointment or meeting. These simple steps before the meeting can help save time and reduce miscommunication.

During the meeting

Now, those at all levels of an organization feel the pain of back-to-back meetings. Whether it be on Zoom, Google Hangouts, or Microsoft Teams or otherwise people are packing more meetings into the day. The positive is that we are able to meet anytime and any place with those around the globe. The negative is that we miss out on many of the personality traits we would learn in person.

Wired2Perform® has a built-in personality assessment test that allows you to see each individual’s behavioral type in the meeting. Having that information allows you to understand communication styles, personality traits, and more detailed information that can help everyone in the meeting feel more understood.

There are also productivity tools like tasks, crowdsourced or private meeting notes, and recordings that can make meeting action and follow-up more consistent and reduce possible follow-up after the meeting. According to Microsoft Index Trends Report in 2021 meetings increased 10 minutes longer to a total of 45 minutes on average. For us, this means it is even more important to use that time wisely for optimal productivity and outcomes.

After the meeting

When people go from one meeting to another they lose focus and get distracted. Wired2Perform® makes it possible for you to take notes in-app that can be set to private, company-wide, or public helping each person on the team be aware of ideas, thoughts, or strategy that needs to be acted on post-meeting.

Recordings from our Zoom Integration can be stored right in the calendar feature so that users are able to retroactively go to that meeting to see a specific meeting recording. Make sure nothing is missed or forgotten.

Tasks are an important feature as well which can be assigned in real-time to people in the meeting and outside of the meeting. Helping attendees stay on track, save time, and focus on what is next.

Behavioral science information on each attendee can be viewed in follow-up action items or needs as well as new contacts to be invited so that users can work better together in the future. The synergy between relationship and work has never been more vital and many of these interactions happen in meetings.

meeting value day one

Author: Blake Wisz