Your virtual workforce requires new tools.

Behavioral science + people analytics help you Grow, Optimize and Access a more productive workforce from anywhere.

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Help individuals become self-aware and grow into desired career opportunities by serving up learning that teaches them new skills quickly.


Optimize team collaboration, drive more productivity, and improve engagement through better team and meeting coordination from anywhere.

Access (Talent Sourcing)

Synch talent to the most engaging and available opportunities and evolve from hire and replace to a shared skills marketplace.

While close to 90% of students felt they displayed proficient professionalism and work ethic, only 42.5% of employers felt their recently hired graduates met this criteria.

56% of our respondents told us that it was easier for people to find a new job at an outside organization than with their current employer.

85% of employees around the world are not engaged or are actively disengaged from their jobs.

Only 6% believe they are excellent at moving people from role to role.


View your workforce through a more meaningful lens.

Wired2Perform® Dynamic Growth Profiles go deeper than traditional psychometric profiles. Each Wired2Perform® growth profile continuously recalibrates with an individual’s evolving skills, interests, talents and aspirations, balancing personal growth and behaviors against real-time career opportunity. Individual self-awareness drives higher performance across the enterprise.

  • Drill down from region, team and individuals levels to see skills, interests, talents and career aspirations.
  • Map real-time internal mobility scenarios by matching current skills with open opportunities.
  • Discover your authentic workforce culture.


It takes protecting top performers from burn out, by growing more.

Wired2Perform’s patent-pending Clone Feature empowers you to protect your top performers by building more just like them. Using Adaptability Scores and Coachability Scores, Wired2Perform® measures employees change readiness and potential against the key skills and attributes of top performers, and delivers prescriptive learning recommendations to help them up-skill and re-skill quickly.

  • Know who your highest performers are and protect them from burnout.
  • Quickly evaluate the best opportunities for change management and put your resources towards the most adaptable and coachable employees.

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There is good and there is great—it's time to optimize to reach your team's peak performance.

Wired2Perform’s Behaviorally Smart™ Calendar & Agenda tool gives meeting organizers and attendees the ability to optimize their time together. Right at the invitation level, attendees can collaborate on the agenda, prepare their contributions, and understand the goals of every meeting before it happens.

  • High-Performance Teams - understand talent profiles to create dynamic high-performance teams
  • Wired2Perform Suite of Tools - Calendar, Collaboration, Community / Micro-Social Network designed to embed behavioral science into user’s lives and the tools they use.
  • Talent Capacity Optimization - help leaders identify and manage top performers within a sustainable and repeatable framework to manage and prevent burnouts.
  • Strategic Change Management - understand the Adaptability Score™ and Coachability Score™ of your entire organization to help create customized and effective change management programs.
  • Frictionless Feedback for Continuous Improvement - anonymous, real-time 360 reviews for constructive and continuous improvement.


Synch Talent to Opportunities

Wired2Perform® helps talent leaders match the right people for the task and assemble the right teams by aligning the personality traits, skills, behaviors and communication styles required to be successful.

  • Talent Sourcing/Hiring - Evolve from “fire & replace” to up-skill & re-deploy. Increase effective internal mobility.
  • Internal Mobility - Understand the kind of talent you have and manage proactively to see who the hidden gems in the talent pool are and put them in the right roles where they can thrive.
  • Talent-Role-Team-Customer Matching - Robust recruitment process to match employee talents to role, team and customer.
  • Discrimination Free WorkplaceTM Certification - Evolve from human anatomy-based diversity & inclusion and include behavioral diversity to the mix.

Team Reporting

It takes understanding the workforce skills you already have.

Wired2Perform® helps talent leaders mobilize the workforce from the inside out. By understanding existing workforce potential, talent leaders can evolve from a hire and replace mentality to shared skills marketplace built to optimize capacity and embrace change.

  • Understand the minimum learning required to upskill existing talent to new roles.
  • Identify who can mobilize internally to replace teams with vacant roles or skills.
  • Identify next generation leaders with the personality, behaviors and skills to be effective leaders.

Understand Your Teams Wired2 Perform

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Supercharge with Behavioral Science.

Integrated with Slack!, Google Suite, Microsoft Teams and more, Wired2Perform combines the mobility of social profiles with the depth of enterprise talent management platform making it easy for leaders to visualize dynamic teams and talent potential in real time.

Engineered for talent and team mobility, Wired2Perform® growth profiles are tethered to the individual and accessible right in the flow of work.

W2 P Integrations
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Lightweight API
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Mobile & Social
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Business Tool Agnostic

Get started now with your organization by creating an account and subscribing:

Price Per User (in blocks of 10)$149 / Year$199 / Year$249 / Year
Access to Free content based on Skills, Interests, Talents and Aspirations
Adaptability Score™ and Coachability Score™
Behavior Profile Strengths, Struggles, Performance & Communication Insights 2 Primary Factors
Career Guidance
Entrepreneur Comparison Chart™
Startup Business Score™, Growth Business Score™, Stable Business Score™, Board Member Score™
Work Talent Markers
Behavior Factor Scores
Customer Facing Role Markers
Decision Making Style
Workplace and Talent Markers
Life / Executive Coaching (1 session / month) $250 / month$250 / month$250 / month
Smart Social Feed
Compare Yourself with One Connection
Join Groups & Communities based on SITA & Behavior Insights
See & Share profiles
People Analytics of Network Connections
Clone a User from the network
Compare Multiple Profiles
Be part of a Team
Employee Mood™
Create a Team
Smart Calendar
Smart Collaboration
Crowdsourced Meeting Notes
Meeting Analytics
See Connection's profile info in your Calendar
Shareable Meeting Scheduler URL
Share Zoom Recordings
Get Feedback on Meetings & Attendees (Coming Soon)
Zapier Integration for Meetings Notes and Tasks (Coming Soon)
Smart Talent Marketplace
Smart Talent Marketplace
Post Jobs
Discrimination Free Workplace™ Certification Contact for PricingContact for PricingContact for Pricing
Slack, Zoom, Google Workplace, Microsoft 365, MS Teams
Customer Success
Email Support
Knowledge Base
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